I'm Alex
Art Therapist & Creative Storyteller
20+ Years (Creative)
4+ Years & 1200+ DCC Hours (Art Therapy) - Location Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada
- Instagram @knightvert
- LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/alexjnicholls
- Contact Me Below
Hello, I’m Alex Nicholls. A dedicated Art Therapist, I bring a creative and academic background in art and psychology to each project, program and participant with which I interact. I appreciate the complexities of context, content and form in my own artwork and that of my clients, believing in the personal strengths of each individual to address and overcome their challenges. I am focused on the use of narrative, trauma-informed and anti-oppressive approaches to art therapy, helping participants reframe their own stories and encouraging them to leverage alternative perspectives in service of their mental health. I thrive in collaborative environments, serving clients to recognize their own areas of strength and resilience in order to make progress towards a more healthy and vibrant life.
What's New - Instagram
My Creative Process
I help individuals and organizations tell their stories by taking clients through a process of Discovering, Distilling and Communicating (both internally and externally) the key messages that make them stand out from the crowd. I do this by using organizational strategic design, brand development, graphic visualization and communication best practices to cultivate compelling narratives.
1) UNDERSTAND who you are and what makes you unique.
2) GROUND your organization by developing values and culture documents.
3) IDENTIFY your target audience, learning how and why they listen.
4) ENGAGE your stakeholders help them know, communicate and live your brand.
5) EMPOWER contributions from your community supporters.
6) ADAPT your organizational strategies as you innovate and receive feedback
Branding and Storytelling
Brand Identity Design, Unification and Targeting
A successful brand sends a clear and intentional message to others, not just about what you do, but about who you are.
- Creating a New Brand
- Rebranding
- Unifying a Brand
- Target Audience Identification
- Making a Brand Tangible
Creative Content Production
Online, Multimedia and Print Production
Expressing your story with creativity and care is a passion of mine. When we do this well we find connection with others.
- Communications Planning
- Social Media Content
- International Filming
- Print Materials
- Digital Communications
- Website Creation
Community Activation and Engagement
Empowering and Inspiring Target Audiences
Finding innovative and thought-provoking ways to share stories of inspiration and hope can mobilize audiences to positive action.
- Event Design
- Event Production
- Webinars/Livesteam
- Community Materials
- Graphic Visualization
Multimedia Proficiencies
Platform & Basic Office
mac & iOS PC G Suite
Screen-Based Graphic Design
Photoshop CC Pixelmator
E-mail Based Graphic Design
Mailchimp Constant Contact
Video Production
Premiere Pro CC Final Cut Pro
Print-Based Graphic Design
Illustrator CC InDesign CC
Project Management
Trello Flow App Basecamp
Youtube Live
Content Production
My Work - Portfolio
Experience Statistics
Organizational Rebrands
All Stages of Implementation
Years Design Experience
Freelance & Full-Time
Countries Visited
For Content Production
Hours of Audiobooks
Listened to on Audible
Work Experience
Creative media production specializing in digital video production, print based graphic design and new media graphics arts.
Led a team to create and implement the digital engagement strategy including all e- communications, web properties and social media engagement. Created the new organizational brand including name, vision and mission statements, logo, and faith and value statements.
Manager of marketing, communications and fundraising. Responsible for promoting awareness of organizations and programs to clients, volunteers, donors and general public.
Responsible for the management of internal and external communications.
Provided marketing, communications & media consultation services.
Public Engagement Project to educate youth and young adults about the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and inspire participants’ involvement in international development. Based on a 40-minute film shot on location in Rwanda.
Providing support, advice and guidance to the leadership team of Loko Koa (Brave Soul) a team of Pacific Islanders developing relationship with First Nations groups in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Member of the weekly tech support team providing assistance with pre-meeting setup and during meeting media.
Supporter of food drive activities, fundraising events and promotional efforts.
Strengths & Personality
StrengthsFinder 2.0 Profile*
1) Ideation
People with strong Ideation talents are creative and appreciate originality. They relish free-thinking experiences such as brainstorming and discussion groups. They have a natural capacity to consider issues from multiple perspectives. They revel in taking the world we all know and turning it around so people can view it from a strangely enlightening angle. They think outside the box. They are fascinated by new ideas and concepts, which come to them easily. They love ideas because they can be profound, they can be novel, they can be clarifying, they can be contrary, and they can be bizarre. For all these reasons they derive a jolt of energy whenever a new idea occurs to them.
2) Connectedness
Things happen for a reason. Those with strong Connectedness talents are sure of it. They have a powerful conviction that everyone is connected. While each person is responsible for his or her own judgments and actions, those with strong Connectedness believe everyone is part of something larger. This belief implies certain responsibilities. Their awareness of these responsibilities creates their value system. They are considerate, caring, and accepting. Certain of the unity of humankind, they build bridges for people of different cultures. They give others comfort that there is a purpose beyond everyday existence. Their faith is strong. It sustains them and their close friends in the face of life’s mysteries.
3) Belief
People with strong Belief talents have enduring principles by which they live. These values vary from one person to another, but those with powerful Belief talents have deeply held ideals and a strong sense of purpose in their lives. These core values affect their behavior in many ways. Their sense of mission gives their lives meaning and direction; in their view, success is more than money and prestige. Their Belief talents give them direction, guiding them through temptations and distractions toward a consistent set of priorities. This consistency is the foundation for their relationships. They are viewed by others as dependable and trustworthy. Their motivation, drive, and determination come from living their lives according to their values and beliefs.
4) Intellection
People with strong Intellection talents like to think. They like mental activity. They like to exercise the “muscles” of their brain, stretching them in multiple directions. This need for mental activity may be focused; for example, they may be trying to solve a problem, develop an idea, or understand another person’s feelings. The exact focus will depend on their other strengths. The theme of Intellection does not dictate what they are thinking about; it simply describes that they like to think. They like to let their thoughts go in many directions. People with strong Intellection talents are introspective. This introspection gives them time to reflect and ponder. Wherever it leads them, their mental hum is a constant in their lives.
5) Empathy
People with strong Empathy talents can sense the emotions of those around them. They can feel what others are feeling as though the emotions were their own. They intuitively see the world through others’ eyes and share their perspectives. They perceive people’s pain or joy — sometimes before it is even expressed. Their instinctive ability to understand is powerful. They can hear unvoiced questions and anticipate needs. Where others grapple for words, they seem to find the right things to say and strike the right tone. As a result, they help people express their feelings — to themselves as well as to others. They help people give voice to their emotional lives.
* The Content here remains Property and Copyright © 2000, 2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Gallup®, StrengthsFinder®, and each of the 34 StrengthsFinder theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.
My Interests
Here are a few things that bring me joy: discovering new stories, learning new things or building something new with others.
Audiobooks | Coffee | Games | Lego | Painting | Movies | TV | Travel
When we meet, I’d love tell you how these things have impacted my work.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact me
Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada
- Linkedin Alex J Nicholls
- Instagram @knightvert